I am facing this issue on product sorting in product list page. I have few new options in sorting like 'Best Sellers','Best Viewed'. When i used this options for sorting , it is giving me an error "A joint field with this alias (bestsellers) is already declared" or "A joint field with this alias (0) is already declared"
I think this is cache issue. When i disabled cache. its start working but when i enabled cache it throw error.
Code used for that is as follows
For bestseller
public function setOrder($collection, $dir)
$period = (int)Mage::helper('productsorting')->getConfig('bestsellers_period');
if ($period) {
$cond = array(
'created_at' => array(
'gteq' => date('Y-m-d h:i:s', time() - $period * 24 * 60 * 60)
} else {
$cond = NULL;
->joinTable('sales/order_item', 'product_id=entity_id',
array('bestsellers'=>'SUM(sales_flat_order_item.qty_ordered)'), $cond, 'left')
For bestviewed
public function setOrder($collection, $dir)
$period = (int)Mage::helper('productsorting')->getConfig('bestviewed_period');
if ($period) {
$cond = array(
'logged_at' => array(
'gteq' => date('Y-m-d h:i:s', time() - $period * 24 * 60 * 60)
} else {
$cond = NULL;
->joinTable('reports/event', 'object_id=entity_id',
array('COUNT(report_event.event_id) AS bestviewed'), $cond, 'left')
->order('bestviewed ' . Mage::helper('productsorting')->reflectDir($dir));
Please help & tell me what i did wrong.