doesn't allow you to remove a section from being called sadly. Well not fully.
What happens is once upon a time you had that module enabled. As your visitors used your site, they populated the mage-cache-storage-section-invalidation
key in their localStorage with values like {"instant-purchase":true}
So whenever Magento makes a call to customer/section/load
it looks to this key to know which sections to pull new data from the server for. Since you removed the module - and Magento didn't plan for us to remove their modules... (shame on you. and me.) - you get a 400 response because the key of instant-purchase
doesn't exist on the server side.
You can prevent the PHP error and the 400 response by making a plugin to the Customer module.
# app/code/Namespace/Customer/etc/di.xml
<type name="Magento\Customer\CustomerData\Section\Identifier">
<plugin name="namespace-customer-plugin-customerdata-section-identifier" type="Namespace\Customer\Plugin\CustomerData\Section\Identifier" sortOrder="10" disabled="false"/>
# app/code/Namespace/Customer/Plugin/CustomerData/Section/Identifier.php
class Identifier
public function beforeMarkSections(
\Magento\Customer\CustomerData\Section\Identifier $subject,
$sectionNames = null,
$updateIds = false
) {
$sectionsToExclude = [ 'instant-purchase' ];
foreach( $sectionsToExclude as $excludedSectionName ) {
if( in_array( $excludedSectionName, $sectionNames ) ) {
$sectionNames = array_filter( $sectionNames, fn( $s ) => $s != $excludedSectionName );
return [$sectionsData, $sectionNames, $updateIds];
Additional modules/sections you've removed can be added here as well.
However, this doesn't fix the bigger issue that the browser is calling for a section that it doesn't need to. Ideally deleting the section from localStorage would be the best solve here. I didn't write my example here to do that... Wouldn't be hard for someone to add that big. Instead I just removed that section from the list of sections to be called to the server.
In vendor/magento/module-customer/view/frontend/web/js/customer-data.js
modify the reload
function and add this bit of logic at the very top of it.
This will remove your specified sections from the list of sections sent to customer/section/load
var sectionsToExclude = [ 'instant-purchase' ];
for( var i = 0; i < sectionsToExclude.length; i++ ) {
var indexMessages = sectionNames.indexOf( sectionsToExclude[i] );
if( indexMessages > -1 ) {
sectionNames.splice( indexMessages, 1 );
if( sectionNames.length == 0 ) {
Also edit vendor/magento/module-customer/view/frontend/web/js/section-config.js
Replace this core line of code: return _.union(_.toArray(actions), _.toArray(sections['*']));
With this logic:
var mergedSectionNames = _.union(_.toArray(actions), _.toArray(sections['*']));
var sectionsToExclude = [ 'instant-purchase' ];
for( var i = 0; i < sectionsToExclude.length; i++ ) {
var indexMessages = mergedSectionNames.indexOf( sectionsToExclude[i] );
if( indexMessages > -1 ) {
mergedSectionNames.splice(indexMessages, 1);
if( mergedSectionNames.length == 0 ) {
if( mergedSectionNames.length > 0 ) {
return mergedSectionNames;
} else {
return false;
Of course properly extend these files - don't edit the core files.
I use NewRelic to monitor JS errors. I've seen ~4k errors a day. After this change it's dropped down to ~300 a day. There are some other sources of this error, but this is a very common one.