how can I add store link in invoice pdf under logo in magento 1.9
1 Answer
One way to do that:
You should rewrite Mage_Sales_Model_Order_Pdf_Invoice class, and provide your own insertLogo()
More info
This is the original, in Mage_Sales_Model_Order_Pdf_Abstract abstract class
protected function insertLogo(&$page, $store = null)
$this->y = $this->y ? $this->y : 815;
$image = Mage::getStoreConfig('sales/identity/logo', $store);
if ($image) {
$image = Mage::getBaseDir('media') . '/sales/store/logo/' . $image;
if (is_file($image)) {
$image = Zend_Pdf_Image::imageWithPath($image);
$top = 830; //top border of the page
$widthLimit = 270; //half of the page width
$heightLimit = 270; //assuming the image is not a "skyscraper"
$width = $image->getPixelWidth();
$height = $image->getPixelHeight();
//preserving aspect ratio (proportions)
$ratio = $width / $height;
if ($ratio > 1 && $width > $widthLimit) {
$width = $widthLimit;
$height = $width / $ratio;
} elseif ($ratio < 1 && $height > $heightLimit) {
$height = $heightLimit;
$width = $height * $ratio;
} elseif ($ratio == 1 && $height > $heightLimit) {
$height = $heightLimit;
$width = $widthLimit;
$y1 = $top - $height;
$y2 = $top;
$x1 = 25;
$x2 = $x1 + $width;
//coordinates after transformation are rounded by Zend
$page->drawImage($image, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2);
$this->y = $y1 - 10;
You can use $page->drawText($text, $x, $y);
method for your customization. This method requires $text as first parameter, and then $x & $y coordinates, as second & third parameters. You'll get how coordinates work after a little play
Thanks, but i want to add link with home page url. like: < a href='site url' > Click < / a >– WaqarCommented Jan 17, 2018 at 10:31
Yeah, you want to add a text under the logo, doesn't it? Commented Jan 18, 2018 at 7:20