I am trying to start cron job because I get an error when trying to install the extension.
according to this guide: http://devdocs.magento.com/guides/v2.0/config-guide/cli/config-cli-subcommands-cron.html
- I opened Putty and connected to the server
- Run commend 'crontab -e'
I put this line at the bottom
* * * * * /usr/bin/php /var/www/magento2/bin/magento cron:run | grep -v "Ran jobs by schedule" >> /var/www/magento2/var/log/magento.cron.log
and and I chose CTRL + O
now the program asks me how to save it, here is a screenshot, What should I do next?
I save cron path Ctr+X and confirm Y(yes)
Next step When I try run Cron Job via command line: 'cd /bin' and next line
./magento cron:run
I get error "Premission denied".