Hi I made a copy of all the files and database of my online site.

I uploaded everything to XAMPP on localhost because I wanted to test a few extension.

when I go to localhost/magento everything works properly. but when I click any link, it takes me to my online site, not localhost. I changed the page in the database (attachment). What could be wrong ?

enter image description here

  • 1
    remove your cache:storage and execute reindex command
    – Keyur Shah
    Commented Dec 27, 2017 at 19:54

1 Answer 1


You should follow below step to in order to setup a system at live:

First at Changes the Local url to live at database.Run below mysql query for get list of url:

SELECT * FROM `core_config_data` where path IN ('web/unsecure/base_url','web/secure/base_url','web/unsecure/base_link_url','web/secure/base_link_url')

Then on app/etc/env.php file changes db credential and put the live one.

Now,delete all cache file which is created.Just goto magento dir/var delete all files from folder cache page_cache view_preprocessed

Also truncate database table cache,cache_tag.

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