I am trying to delete duplicate skus in magento.

I can confirm with this query that duplicates exist on the db.

SELECT `entity_id` FROM `catalog_product_entity` GROUP BY `sku` HAVING (COUNT(*) > 1)

However, from these duplicates that are returned; I want to delete a product that has no image, product name is ALL CAPS, and no brand.

to narrow it down even further as the above conditions can exist on both skus, I don't want to remove both so I want to use the created_at field and delete the one that is older.

This is tricky, I hope it is clear.

Thanks in advance

1 Answer 1


How to remove a duplicate sku via database?

this might help you. Extend the Select with whatever you need. To select only uppercase use WHERE name REGEXP '^[A-Z]+$';

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