I need to update translation file only for checkout page , so how can I do that . I don't want to use translation file which is use in theme folder.
2 Answers
You can specify the module name as Vendor_Module in front of the phrase and its translation in the csv.
In your csv file, you should write for module:
"Original phrase","Translation",module,Vendor_Module
don't change "module". just phrases and Vendor_Module. "module" here, as you understand, shows for magento where translation must be applied
PS: if you want to use translation for theme, you can do this:
"Original phrase","Translation",theme,frontend/Magento/luma
where frontend/Magento/luma - path to theme
1its not working , i have use csv as below, Order Total,Grand Total:,module,Magento_Checkout this changes is also applied on order history page Commented Dec 19, 2017 at 12:51
i haven't check this, but i have an idea. Not sure, that it is good way... Try to override template, which displays this part with "Order Total". Then in your module in csv file: "Order Total","Grand Total:",module,Vendor_Module This translation will applied only for this phrase in your module, and it will not applied to history page. Please, let me know, is it helps or not. THX.– AnnyCommented Dec 20, 2017 at 10:14