I'm using Magento
So Far I managed to Add the column on order Grid together with a dropdown for filtering on the header column.
I'm in need of some assistance on where to adjust so that I can pull the data for customer group or what are the things I need to do.
So far, here's my code.
$groups = Mage::getResourceModel('customer/group_collection')
->addFieldToFilter('customer_group_id', array('gt'=> 0))
$this->addColumn('customer_group_id', array(
'header' => Mage::helper('customer')->__('Customer Group'),
'width' => '100',
'index' => 'customer_group_id',
'type' => 'options',
'options' => $groups,
Photo of what the upper code did.
What is my next Step?
Thanks for assisting me.