Option 1: Magento 2 install extension using COMMAND LINE (Recommended)
Your Magento 2 extensions can be installed in a few minutes by going through these following steps
Step 1: Download/purchase the extension
Step 2: Unzip the file into a temporary directory
Step 3: Upload it to your Magento installation root directory
Step 4: Disable the cache under System >> Cache Management
Step 5: Enter the following at the command line:
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento cache:clean
php bin/magento cache:flush
Option 2 : add an extension's package to the root composer.json
then run composer update
then run php bin/magento setup:upgrade
Option 3 : You can also install extension from admin panel component manager as well , for more details please refer this link - https://magefan.com/blog/how-to-install-magento-2-extension-2/