I'm following the instructions at http://www.magentocommerce.com/knowledge-base/entry/apply-revert-magento-patches?icid=BLOG_php54_knowledgebase but not getting the listed results. I have 3 sh patches downloaded into my magento root, but when I run them (sh patchname.sh) I immediately get a command prompt again. I'm not getting success or failure. Just a bounce right back to the command prompt. I'm running FreeBSD and the first patch I'm looking at specifies /bin/sh, which does in fact exist. What am I missing here?


I was downloading with IE. On a whim I decided to try Chrome. Appears the line ending handling is different. The Chrome download version gives me:

PATCH_SUPEE-2677_EE_1.13.0.2_v2.sh: 127: not found
PATCH_SUPEE-2677_EE_1.13.0.2_v2.sh: 127: not found
PATCH_SUPEE-2677_EE_1.13.0.2_v2.sh: 0: not found
Checking if patch can be applied/reverted successfully... patch: unrecognized option `--dry-run'
Usage: /usr/bin/patch [options] [origfile [patchfile]] [+[options] [origfile]]...
[-cCeEflnNRsStuv] [-b backup-ext] [-B backup-prefix] [-d directory]
[-D symbol] [-F max-fuzz] [-i patchfile] [-o out-file] [-p[strip-count]]
[-r rej-name] [-V {numbered,existing,simple}] [--check] [--context]
[--prefix=backup-prefix] [--suffix=backup-ext] [--ifdef=symbol]
[--directory=directory] [--ed] [--fuzz=max-fuzz] [--force] [--batch]
[--ignore-whitespace] [--forward] [--reverse] [--output=out-file]
[--strip[=strip-count]] [--normal] [--reject-file=rej-name] [--skip]
[--remove-empty-files] [--quiet] [--silent] [--unified] [--version]
[--version-control={numbered,existing,simple}] [--index-first]
ERROR: Patch can't be applied/reverted successfully.

Not terribly informative as to why it won't install, but at least it's something more to work with.

  • If I recall correctly I just chmod +x them and ./patchname.sh Commented May 9, 2014 at 13:53
  • No go, that just bounces back immediately too. Commented May 9, 2014 at 13:58
  • Try removing the shebang line and passing it to sh Commented May 9, 2014 at 14:01
  • Same results. Very odd, I'd expect to get an error is a required tool was missing. Why I don't get anything at all is baffling. :-/ Commented May 9, 2014 at 14:09
  • Question edited to add data collected. Commented May 9, 2014 at 14:37

1 Answer 1


I had to modify the provided patch script. In the _apply_revert_patch() function I had to replace DRY_RUN_FLAG=" --dry-run" with DRY_RUN_FLAG=" --check". After doing so the patch applied normally.

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