I am getting error as following in my System.log file.

Attempt to load value of nonexistent EAV attribute '42' for entity type 'Magento\Catalog\Api\Data\CategoryInterface'

I have checked this Magento 2 Attempt to load value of nonexistent EAV attribute. It is product related. but my is Category related.

How to solve this error?

  • ,can you found any solution for this error. i did like this- Actually i deleted some custom attribute using code as well as manually from backend after this i got this error in log/system.xml Commented Feb 15, 2019 at 13:15

2 Answers 2


Not to be confused with

Entity type Magento\Catalog\Api\Data\ProductInterface

This is specifically a Magento\Catalog\Api\Data\CategoryInterface issue. So we are dealing with different tables:

  • catalog_category_entity_datetime
  • catalog_category_entity_decimal
  • catalog_category_entity_int
  • catalog_category_entity_text
  • catalog_category_entity_varchar

Rather than equivalent catalog_product_entity_ *


This is an attribute that no longer exists, you should get this error when trying to load in /admin/catalog/product_attribute/edit/attribute_id/42/

This attribute no longer exists.


The following queries should reveal old references to this non-existent attribute:

SELECT * FROM catalog_category_entity_datetime WHERE attribute_id = 42;
SELECT * FROM catalog_category_entity_decimal WHERE attribute_id = 42;
SELECT * FROM catalog_category_entity_int WHERE attribute_id = 42;
SELECT * FROM catalog_category_entity_text WHERE attribute_id = 42;
SELECT * FROM catalog_category_entity_varchar WHERE attribute_id = 42;

Whichever of these tables reveal the old reference we need to delete:

DELETE FROM catalog_category_entity_<WHICHEVER> WHERE attribute_id = 42;

BAM, I hope the error no longer appears


After remove eav_attribute, you need to remove from catalog_eav_attribute Hope it will work for you.

  • ,i did both things but even this error is showing. Commented Feb 15, 2019 at 13:14

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