I have some strange search terms in my magento admin panel. It looks like
1 waitfor delay '0:0:3' --
-1' OR 3 512-512-1=0 0 0 1 or '9WQxvY67'='.
I've looked into my log and it seems to be a googlebot: - - [05/Sep/2017:00:17:41 +0300] "GET /catalogsearch/result/index/?dimensions=272&q=1+waitfor+delay+%270%3A0%3A3%27+-- HTTP/1.1" 200 15013 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +http://www.google.com/bot.html)".
The reverse lookup seems to be crawl-66-249-75-146.googlebot.com but I doubt google use delay statements and this is not the only ip, I have multiple starting with 66.249.x.x. It's not an option to block the class ip, since google use them and some services from google will not work.
Does anyone found a fix to this issue or has more info about it?

Thank you!


1 Answer 1


If this is really the google bot and not somebody else masking as it, it is misused, e.g. by a page with links that will be crawled by Google.

You can find some more information about this type of requests in this similar question: Spam bots & SQL Injections - How do I stop this?

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