I'll start off with saying that I am new to Magento. After installing Magento I only receive 404's. There is no styling either. I can't access the admin panel or anything, I just see "whoops, our bad...
". I have been looking around for answers but nothing has worked.
So far I have tried:
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
php bin/magento cache:clean
php bin/magento cache:flush
Changing a few things in my .htaccess (RewriteBase)
I'm not sure what could be the issue now. Any help would be greatly appreciated! If any other information I will edit it in.
Extra info:
- Host: Webfaction
- Server: Apache 2.4.6
- Php: 5.6.31
- OS: CentOS (7 I believe)
Thank you in advance!
update: I am unable to leave comments because you need 50 rep to leave a comment? Sadly I am unable to recompile due to our allotted memory through the host. Is it possible that uninstalling and reinstalling magento could solve the issue?
update 2: I was able to do both solutions and neither worked sadly.