I'd like to display data from the database table on my frontend screen, I'm trying this way:


class Teste_Cadastro_Block extends Mage_Core_Block_Template

        public function getContent()
        $cadastroModel = Mage::getModel('cadastro/cadastro');

        $collections = $cadastroModel->getCollection();

            foreach($collections as $collection)


                    <?php echo $this->getContent(); ?>

And in my config.xml I have the declared block.

Does this have to be done through a block or even an action?

1 Answer 1


Use your model like that sample:

$cadastroModel = Mage::getModel('cadastro/cadastro');

$collections = $cadastroModel->getCollection()

foreach($collections as $collection){
  • It did not work, it only worked when I called directly in my phtml, but it is not the most correct way to do it, I will do all my phtml to analyze better Commented Jul 15, 2017 at 12:36
  • I think it's a mistake at the time of "pulling" or file to phtml, since it directly in phtml has effect, only that when I pull the file by <? Php echo $ this-> getCollection (); ?> It has no effect .. Commented Jul 15, 2017 at 13:35
  • I solved the error, in my xml I was setting as core / template and was not using my block "cadastro/tabela", thank you! Commented Jul 15, 2017 at 15:12

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