I have problem with my website. On main site I got theme's head and I want to delete it. Which files should I delate to get clean website with my content only?

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  • enable template path hint and find head . goto that bloac and remove it. Commented Jul 9, 2017 at 17:23

1 Answer 1


It's not a head, is a header, I don't know why you want to hide a header ? maybe you have some error on it you just have to fix it. otherwise if you always want to remove it, go to


then put this code before </default>

<remove name="header"/> //this one remove the header in all pages with logo, search bar, minicart, etc...

I don't know if this is what you are looking for but i think the white square that you show is top links block, you can remove it like this:

<reference name="header">
    <remove name="top.links"/>


The path to header : app/design/frontend/{yourpackage}/{yourtheme}/template/page/html/header.phtml

Nb: some theme use several headers, you can find them in exemple: app/design/frontend/{yourpackage}/{yourtheme}/template/page/html/header/header4.phtml

To find the right one, please check your theme settings or enable a template path hint in admin.

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