Here is the example of use AED currency in PayPal. You can use same for other currencies.
Follow this step to support other currencies in paypal:
1) Override Config.php
and Nvp.php
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<config xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="urn:magento:framework:ObjectManager/etc/config.xsd">
<preference for="Magento\Paypal\Model\Config" type="{Vendor}\{Module}\Model\Magento\Paypal\Config" />
<preference for="Magento\Paypal\Model\Api\Nvp" type="{Vendor}\{Module}\Model\Magento\Paypal\Api\Nvp" />
2) Add your currency in $_supportedCurrencyCodes
protected $_supportedCurrencyCodes = [
'AED', // Add currency
3) Now convert currency amount to USD amount in API request
Inject \Magento\Directory\Helper\Data
class for convert currency rate
Approx after line: 1175
if ($request["METHOD"] == "SetExpressCheckout" || $request["METHOD"] == "DoExpressCheckoutPayment")
if($request['CURRENCYCODE'] == "AED") {
$payAmt = $request['AMT'];
$payShippingAmt = $request['SHIPPINGAMT'];
$payItemAmt = $request['ITEMAMT'];
$payTaxAmt = $request['TAXAMT'];
$conAmt = round($this->_currencyHelper->currencyConvert($payAmt, "AED", "USD"), 2);
$conShippingAmt = round($this->_currencyHelper->currencyConvert($payShippingAmt, "AED", "USD"), 2);
$conItemAmt = round($this->_currencyHelper->currencyConvert($payItemAmt, "AED", "USD"), 2);
$conTaxAmt = round($this->_currencyHelper->currencyConvert($payTaxAmt, "AED", "USD"), 2);
//set converted USD amount to request api
$request['CURRENCYCODE'] = "USD";
$request['AMT'] = $conAmt;
$request['SHIPPINGAMT'] = $conShippingAmt;
$request['ITEMAMT'] = $conItemAmt;
$request['TAXAMT'] = $conTaxAmt;
Note: set Transfer Cart Line Items to No From
Store->Configuration->Sales->PaymentMethod->Paypal->Configure->Advanced Settings
To pass only order, shipping and tax amount
If you set yes from this config setting. Magento passes all cart item amount to PayPal request and you have to change the logic of converting price.