Dear Magento specialists,
I always had Magento 1 running. However for my new webshop I like to run Magento 2. I have installed Magento 2 using Installatron. I extracted theme files in the root directory. However I am trying to enable modules using command lines. My hosting provider enabled SSH. I have to connect through a different port 7685. I can login using SSH, but no command will work. Could you guys help me? Thank you.
If I try to execute a command using terminal I get always No such file or directory
ssh Last login: Wed May 17 19:21:51 on console
MacBook-Pro-van-Rick:~ Rick$ ssh [email protected] -p 7685
[email protected]'s password:
[u2081p13512@web0114 ~]$ ls -l
totaal 12
drwx--x--x 3 u2081p13512 u2081p13512 4096 mei 12 20:12 domains
drwxrwx--- 3 u2081p13512 mail 4096 mei 12 20:12 imap
drwxrwx--- 2 u2081p13512 mail 4096 mei 12 20:12 Maildir
lrwxrwxrwx 1 u2081p13512 u2081p13512 39 mei 12 20:12 public_html -> ./domains/
[u2081p13512@web0114 ~]$ ll
totaal 12
drwx--x--x 3 u2081p13512 u2081p13512 4096 mei 12 20:12 domains
drwxrwx--- 3 u2081p13512 mail 4096 mei 12 20:12 imap
drwxrwx--- 2 u2081p13512 mail 4096 mei 12 20:12 Maildir
lrwxrwxrwx 1 u2081p13512 u2081p13512 39 mei 12 20:12 public_html -> ./domains/
[u2081p13512@web0114 ~]$ bin/magento module:enable Infortis_Base Infortis_Brands Infortis_Cgen Infortis_Dataporter Infortis_Infortis Infortis_Ultimo Infortis_UltraMegamenu Infortis_UltraSlideshow
-bash: bin/magento: No such file or directory
[u2081p13512@web0114 ~]$