Dear Magento specialists,

I always had Magento 1 running. However for my new webshop I like to run Magento 2. I have installed Magento 2 using Installatron. I extracted theme files in the root directory. However I am trying to enable modules using command lines. My hosting provider enabled SSH. I have to connect through a different port 7685. I can login using SSH, but no command will work. Could you guys help me? Thank you.

If I try to execute a command using terminal I get always No such file or directory

ssh Last login: Wed May 17 19:21:51 on console
MacBook-Pro-van-Rick:~ Rick$ ssh [email protected] -p 7685
[email protected]'s password: 
[u2081p13512@web0114 ~]$ ls -l
totaal 12
drwx--x--x 3 u2081p13512 u2081p13512 4096 mei 12 20:12 domains
drwxrwx--- 3 u2081p13512 mail        4096 mei 12 20:12 imap
drwxrwx--- 2 u2081p13512 mail        4096 mei 12 20:12 Maildir
lrwxrwxrwx 1 u2081p13512 u2081p13512   39 mei 12 20:12 public_html -> ./domains/sonsofadealer.com/public_html
[u2081p13512@web0114 ~]$ ll
totaal 12
drwx--x--x 3 u2081p13512 u2081p13512 4096 mei 12 20:12 domains
drwxrwx--- 3 u2081p13512 mail        4096 mei 12 20:12 imap
drwxrwx--- 2 u2081p13512 mail        4096 mei 12 20:12 Maildir
lrwxrwxrwx 1 u2081p13512 u2081p13512   39 mei 12 20:12 public_html -> ./domains/sonsofadealer.com/public_html
[u2081p13512@web0114 ~]$ bin/magento module:enable Infortis_Base Infortis_Brands Infortis_Cgen Infortis_Dataporter Infortis_Infortis Infortis_Ultimo Infortis_UltraMegamenu Infortis_UltraSlideshow
-bash: bin/magento: No such file or directory
[u2081p13512@web0114 ~]$ 

2 Answers 2


You need to go to directory where Magento has been installed to run Magento commands. I.e. you need to execute:

cd public_html/

before running:

bin/magento module:enable Infortis_Base Infortis_Brands Infortis_Cgen Infortis_Dataporter Infortis_Infortis Infortis_Ultimo Infortis_UltraMegamenu Infortis_UltraSlideshow


Please let me know if the problem still exists.


Try use the php bin directly:

php bin/magento module:enable Infortis_Base Infortis_Brands Infortis_Cgen Infortis_Dataporter Infortis_Infortis Infortis_Ultimo Infortis_UltraMegamenu Infortis_UltraSlideshow

If you still can't find it, try to find it using one of the following commands:

locate bin/php
whereis php

If you're still having trouble, contact your hosting provider to check if your user is allowed to run PHP in CLI and if so, which php binary you should call

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