I'd like to unit test my Magento blocks using PHPUnit, how can I properly instantiate my models using the Magento framework to be used as a System Under Test? I include the path to my class, but it will need a link to the rest of the framework to run.. What do I do to avoid a long line on include statements?
include C:\repo\magento\cwdl\app\code\core\Mage\Adminhtml\Block\Sales\Order\Shipment\Create\Tracking.php';
class TrackingPageTests extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase{
public function testGetCarriers(){
$this->SUT = new Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Sales_Order_Shipment_Create_Tracking();
error I get: PHP Fatal error: Class 'Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Template' not found in C:\repo\magento\cwdl\app\code\core\Mage\Adminhtml\Block\Sales\Order\Shipment