When I add a product to my cart I get the following error:

No such entity with id = 0

This happens with every product in the store, can anyone help point me in the right direction?

  • Seems Session/Cookie Issue
    – Jackson
    Commented Apr 25, 2017 at 9:57
  • Please check my answer, it will help you in the right direction. @Tom Commented Mar 26, 2018 at 10:25

5 Answers 5


Please check customer_group table for "NOT LOGGED IN" group.

If its customer_group_id is not zero, truncate table

  1. catalog_product_index_price and
  2. catalog_product_index_tier_price.

Then run following query.

UPDATE `customer_group` SET customer_group_id = 0 WHERE customer_group_code='NOT LOGGED IN';

Please check customer_group table in Magento2 database.

Check NOT LOGGED IN value in customer_group_code field. If it's not available in that field, that means the customer cannot add to cart product without sign-in.

And if 'NOT LOGGED IN' value available in that field then set itscustomer_group_id '0'.

First, you need to sign-in and then Add to Cart.

This work for me properly. I hope this will help you.


I had missing General group with id = 1 in the customer_group table. After adding of the group, products started to get added and no error message anymore.


"This worked for me, after trying everything:

Assuming your site is in Developer Mode, you can change it to Production Mode, clear/flush cache and then switch back to Developer Mode."



This worked for me, after trying everything:

Assuming your site is in Developer Mode, you can change it to Production Mode, clear/flush cache and then switch back to Developer Mode.

I had this issue in the front end, as I recently moved the database from one server to another. I managed to solve it by doing this.

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