I'm accessing my controller via postman tool (Postman)
I've passed custom header as shown in image and trying to access it in controller through this code:
but it returns no data. Please Help.
I'm accessing my controller via postman tool (Postman)
I've passed custom header as shown in image and trying to access it in controller through this code:
but it returns no data. Please Help.
Finally, got the solution
$httpRequestObject = new \Zend_Controller_Request_Http();
Thank you!
As long as your controller is a child of AbstractAction you can also access this data by request instance: $this->getRequest()->getHeader('APP_ID')
isn't available, so include the class \Magento\Framework\App\RequestInterface
in your constructor, as explained here: mage2.pro/t/topic/235
Remember that All caps HTTP headers with underscores dropped in Apache 2.4.
So we can try add other values. For example: AppId
without underscores.
We could get the header with