Does anyone know if there is a method to tell the system to not Full Page Cache a specific store or website? And just to be clear, using EE FPC out of the box.
1 Answer
In system.xml
create config value which can be configurable per store view:
<enabled translate="label">
<label>Enable FPC</label>
Do not forget to set default value for it in config.xml
to 1.
Than in the <frontend>
section register observer on controller_action_predispatch
Now create observer with processPreDispatch
method where you can check config value and disable FPC.
public function processPreDispatch(Varien_Event_Observer $observer)
if (!Mage::getStoreConfigFlag('path/to/enabled')) {
// Tell Magento to 'ban' the use of FPC for current sore view
$cache = Mage::app()->getCacheInstance()->banUse('full_page');
Clear all cache types.