I have a Magento 2.1.5 store, language settings English (United States) for admin and I want to mass update price attribute of a couple of products. I select the products and choose "update attributes".

In "attributes" I scroll to "Price", select change and enter 49.95 (euros). I press save and the strangest thing happens:

My prices for the selected products is changed to 100,00,00.00 euros!

enter image description here

I've searched the forums and the github magento2 issues but can't find which issue this is. I did find a youtube that seems to be related.

So I'm not the only one running into this. Does anyone have a solution or know which issue this is on github magento2 issues?

I really need to get this solved, I can't have my customer mass update his simples and then find out all his simples are now over 100,000,000.00 euros...

Anyone who can point me in the right direction?

2 Answers 2


To answer my own question, I found out that this was due to an error in an extension I had installed together with the fact that I could not see what I was entering.

As for both Price and Special Price there is this "[Inc. Tax]" bit right over the input field which makes it very hard to see what you enter. I have fixed both problems now.

For anyone curious on how to move the "[Inc. Tax]" bit from the input field (in mass attribute update), in your extension extend \Magento\Catalog\Block\Adminhtml\Product\Helper\Form\Price.php and change this:

public function getAfterElementHtml()
if ($attribute->getAttributeCode() !== 'cost') {
     $addJsObserver = true;
     $html .= ' <strong>[' . __(
     'Inc. Tax'
     ) . '<span id="dynamic-tax-' . $attribute->getAttributeCode() . '"></span>]</strong>';

to this:

public function getAfterElementHtml()
if ($attribute->getAttributeCode() !== 'cost') {
     $addJsObserver = true;
     $html .= '<span data-bind="text: addbefore"> <strong>[' . __(
     'Inc. Tax'
   ) . '<span id="dynamic-tax-' . $attribute->getAttributeCode() . '"></span>]      </strong> </span>';

And now the price shows like this:

enter image description here

This still didn't work the way I liked :-(

So now I changed it to this:

public function getAfterElementHtml()
if ($attribute->getAttributeCode() !== 'cost') {
     $addJsObserver = true;
     $html .= '<div class="hidden"> <strong>[' . __(
     'Inc. Tax'
   ) . '<span id="dynamic-tax-' . $attribute->getAttributeCode() . '"></span>]      </strong> </div>';

It will not show the [Incl. Tax] anymore and it works.


Perhaps a bit late, but it may help other users about the including tax issue:

The issue is fixed in developer branch 2.2.0


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