I stored image in pub/media/catalog/product. How to add that images into media gallery entries.

I have tried like http://myhost/rest/V1/products

"media_gallery_entries"=> array(
        "media_type"=> "image",
        "label"=> "Product Image",
        "position"=> 1,
        "disabled"=> false,
        "types"=> array(
        "file"=> "/1/0/10.jpg"

but it always complain about "message":"The image content is not valid."

base64_encode is the only way to add image into rest api?

if yes I tried with

"media_gallery_entries"=> array(
        "media_type"=> "image",
        "label"=> "Product Image",
        "position"=> 1,
        "disabled"=> false,
        "types"=> array(
        "content"=> array(
            "base64_encoded_data"=> $data->getMainImage(),
            "type"=> "image/jpeg",
            "name"=> "test.jpg"

It throws exception "message":"The image MIME type is not valid or not supported."

I found supported mime type in /vendor/magento/framework/Api/ImageContentValidator.php

private $defaultMimeTypes = [

It support image/jpeg, but I don't know why it throws exception.

Can anyone enlighten me to how to add media galleries entries?

  • oops! it is my fault in second example I encode .png image instead of .jpg. I'm really more concerns about how to add existing image into media gallery entries[First example]. can anyone help me on this? Commented Mar 4, 2017 at 6:47

2 Answers 2


Try with your second example, but instead of media_type, use mediaType tag.

"media_gallery_entries"=> array(
        "media_type"=> "image",
        "label"=> "Product Image",
        "position"=> 1,
        "disabled"=> false,
        "types"=> array(
        "content"=> array(
            "base64_encoded_data"=> $data->getMainImage(),
            "type"=> "image/jpeg",
            "name"=> "test.jpg"

Also, you'll probably have to use base64_encode($data->getMainImage()) instead of $data->getMainImage() only.

  • I tried but no luck, same error MIME type is not valid or not supported. I retrive base64 encode string from database $data->getMainImage() Commented Mar 4, 2017 at 4:52
  • do you have any idea about first example? Commented Mar 4, 2017 at 6:49
  • maybe you are retrieving base64 string with "data:image/jpeg;base64," beginning which is not needed. Only base64_encode() function output must be passed.
    – Gediminas
    Commented Dec 4, 2017 at 10:58


  1. We should use image_type_to_mime_type function to get the MIME type, not use the file extension, because extension sometime is wrong.

  2. 'data:image/'.$type.';base64,' beginning in the base64 string doesn't need in Magento2, we just need base64_encode($imageData);

Work Example: post product image from Magento 1.9 to Magento 2.2

$imagePath = $product->getImage();
$imageFullPath = Mage::getBaseDir('media').'/catalog/product'.$imagePath;
$imageName = basename($imagePath);
$imageType = exif_imagetype($imageFullPath);
$mimeType = image_type_to_mime_type($imageType);
$imageData = file_get_contents($imageFullPath);
$base64EncodedData = base64_encode($imageData);

$json =
      "product": {
        "media_gallery_entries": [{
            "media_type": "image",
            "label": "'.$imageName.'",
            "position": 0,
            "disabled": false,
            "types": [
            "file": "'.$imagePath.'",
            "content": {
                "base64_encoded_data": "'.$base64EncodedData.'",
                "type": "'.$mimeType.'",
                "name": "'.$imageName.'"

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