I have a site with 2 store views.
One of the views (lets call it store view X), should be accessible to only certain users, and parts of the store should be restricted when this store view is enabled.
For example, when a logged in user is of the correct customer group and X is enabled, i don't want them to access /wishlist, or customer/account, i want those pages to be redirected to the homepage.
What i've tried is to add redirects specific to store view X of type 302,
i.e. request path - wishlist, target path - ../, type 302
I've then tried reindexing and navigating to the page wishlist, only to find the redirect doesn't work. That route doesn't even hit Magento\UrlRewrite\Controller\Router match() ln 60.
how can i redirect pages such as this for a specific store view, and can someone explain why the Router isn't being hit?