My Homepage , Login and Create an Account pages are blank. Only the header, nav menu and footer are showing. Main content area is not showing. However, when accessing CMS about-us page the cms block content is showing. I have added my home page as the default page for my storeview.
I'm using my custom child theme from luma theme.
My Custom theme default.xml
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<page xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="urn:magento:framework:View/Layout/etc/page_configuration.xsd">
<referenceContainer name="header.panel">
<referenceBlock name="authorization-link" class="CustomTheme\CustomLoginHeader\Block\Account\AuthorizationLink" template="Magento_Customer::account/link/authorization.phtml"/>
<block class="Magento\Framework\View\Element\Html\Links" name="top.links">
<block class="Magento\Customer\Block\Account\RegisterLink" name="register-link">
<argument name="label" xsi:type="string" translate="true">Register</argument>
<block class="CustomTheme\CustomHeaderLeft\Block\StoreManager" name="other-sites-link" template="switch/stores.phtml"/>
<referenceBlock name="catalog.topnav" class="CustomTheme\CustomNavMenu\Block\Html\Topmenu" template="Magento_Theme::html/topmenu.phtml"/>
<referenceContainer name="page.wrapper">
<referenceBlock name="page.main.title" remove="true"/>
<move element="minicart" destination="header.links"/>
<!--<move element="store_switcher" destination ="panel.header"/>-->
<referenceBlock name="store_switcher" remove="true"></referenceBlock>
<referenceBlock name="breadcrumbs" remove="true"></referenceBlock>
<move element="catalog.topnav" destination="header-wrapper"/>
Version: magento CE 2.1.3 PHP: 5.6 Mode: Developer
Adding the System.log
[2017-02-21 09:25:17] main.INFO: Cache file with merged layout: LAYOUT_frontend_STORE3_4999a55d7d9f00b9a016b5e16762ce70a and handles default, customer_account_login: Please correct the XML data and try again. [] []
[2017-02-21 09:25:17] main.INFO: Cache file with merged layout: LAYOUT_frontend_STORE3_40a98983867a1770682b48d9a0ad63441 and handles 1column: Please correct the XML data and try again. [] []
[2017-02-21 09:25:17] main.CRITICAL: Broken reference: the '' element cannot be added as child to 'sidebar.additional', because the latter doesn't exist [] []
[2017-02-21 09:25:17] main.CRITICAL: Broken reference: the 'sale.reorder.sidebar' element cannot be added as child to 'sidebar.additional', because the latter doesn't exist [] []
[2017-02-21 09:25:17] main.CRITICAL: Broken reference: the 'wishlist_sidebar' element cannot be added as child to 'sidebar.additional', because the latter doesn't exist [] []
[2017-02-21 09:25:17] main.INFO: Cache file with merged layout: LAYOUT_frontend_STORE3_46f1b068ec7ccf4878f9284dd1137afd1 and handles catalog_product_prices: Please correct the XML data and try again. [] []
[2017-02-21 09:26:40] main.INFO: Cache file with merged layout: LAYOUT_frontend_STORE3_431ef5d54dbe85cfa712c6b2127defaea and handles default, cms_index_index, cms_page_view, cms_index_index_id_member-home-page: Please correct the XML data and try again. [] []
[2017-02-21 09:26:41] main.CRITICAL: Broken reference: the '' element cannot be added as child to 'sidebar.additional', because the latter doesn't exist [] []
[2017-02-21 09:26:41] main.CRITICAL: Broken reference: the 'sale.reorder.sidebar' element cannot be added as child to 'sidebar.additional', because the latter doesn't exist [] []
[2017-02-21 09:26:41] main.CRITICAL: Broken reference: the 'wishlist_sidebar' element cannot be added as child to 'sidebar.additional', because the latter doesn't exist [] []
[2017-02-21 09:26:41] main.CRITICAL: Broken reference: the 'paypal.partner.right.logo' element cannot be added as child to 'sidebar.additional', because the latter doesn't exist [] []
[2017-02-21 09:26:41] main.CRITICAL: Broken reference: the 'bml.right.logo' element cannot be added as child to 'sidebar.additional', because the latter doesn't exist [] []
[2017-02-21 09:26:51] main.CRITICAL: Broken reference: the '' element cannot be added as child to 'sidebar.additional', because the latter doesn't exist [] []
[2017-02-21 09:26:51] main.CRITICAL: Broken reference: the 'sale.reorder.sidebar' element cannot be added as child to 'sidebar.additional', because the latter doesn't exist [] []
[2017-02-21 09:26:51] main.CRITICAL: Broken reference: the 'wishlist_sidebar' element cannot be added as child to 'sidebar.additional', because the latter doesn't exist [] []
[2017-02-21 09:26:56] main.INFO: Cache file with merged layout: LAYOUT_frontend_STORE3_40cdcf722945b22930f6ae38cf12ea6f0 and handles default, catalog_category_view, catalog_category_view_type_layered, catalog_category_view_type_layered_without_children, catalog_category_view_id_47: Please correct the XML data and try again. [] []
[2017-02-21 09:26:56] main.INFO: Cache file with merged layout: LAYOUT_frontend_STORE3_4a7ccd8094436548b564a588f6303121c and handles 2columns-left: Please correct the XML data and try again. [] []
[2017-02-21 09:59:22] main.INFO: Cache file with merged layout: LAYOUT_frontend_STORE4_4999a55d7d9f00b9a016b5e16762ce70a and handles default, customer_account_login: Please correct the XML data and try again. [] []
[2017-02-21 09:59:22] main.INFO: Cache file with merged layout: LAYOUT_frontend_STORE4_40a98983867a1770682b48d9a0ad63441 and handles 1column: Please correct the XML data and try again. [] []
[2017-02-21 09:59:22] main.CRITICAL: Broken reference: the '' element cannot be added as child to 'sidebar.additional', because the latter doesn't exist [] []
[2017-02-21 09:59:22] main.CRITICAL: Broken reference: the 'sale.reorder.sidebar' element cannot be added as child to 'sidebar.additional', because the latter doesn't exist [] []
[2017-02-21 09:59:22] main.CRITICAL: Broken reference: the 'wishlist_sidebar' element cannot be added as child to 'sidebar.additional', because the latter doesn't exist [] []
[2017-02-21 09:59:22] main.INFO: Cache file with merged layout: LAYOUT_frontend_STORE4_46f1b068ec7ccf4878f9284dd1137afd1 and handles catalog_product_prices: Please correct the XML data and try again. [] []
[2017-02-21 10:01:41] main.INFO: Cache file with merged layout: LAYOUT_adminhtml_STORE1_3d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e and handles : Please correct the XML data and try again. [] []
[2017-02-21 10:01:57] main.INFO: Cache file with merged layout: LAYOUT_adminhtml_STORE0_31d5ed1d21fc106e91a3b31fa91f7e26d and handles default, catalog_category_edit: Please correct the XML data and try again. [] []
[2017-02-21 10:01:57] main.INFO: Cache file with merged layout: LAYOUT_adminhtml_STORE0_3793edbdc1c00dd1c3aa9e1b3dc856b39 and handles admin-2columns-left: Please correct the XML data and try again. [] []
[2017-02-21 10:01:57] main.CRITICAL: Broken reference: the 'header' tries to reorder itself towards 'global.notices', but their parents are different: 'page.wrapper' and 'notices.wrapper' respectively. [] []
[2017-02-21 10:01:57] main.CRITICAL: Broken reference: the 'page.breadcrumbs' tries to reorder itself towards 'notifications', but their parents are different: 'page.wrapper' and 'notices.wrapper' respectively. [] []
[2017-02-21 10:01:57] main.CRITICAL: Broken reference: the '' tries to reorder itself towards 'notification.messages', but their parents are different: 'header.inner.right' and 'header' respectively. [] []
[2017-02-21 10:01:57] main.INFO: Cache file with merged layout: LAYOUT_adminhtml_STORE0_36f1b068ec7ccf4878f9284dd1137afd1 and handles catalog_product_prices: Please correct the XML data and try again. [] []
Customer_account_login.xml // vendor/magento/module_customer/view/frontend/layout/
<?xml version="1.0"?>
* Copyright © 2016 Magento. All rights reserved.
* See COPYING.txt for license details.
<page xmlns:xsi="" layout="1column" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="urn:magento:framework:View/Layout/etc/page_configuration.xsd">
<referenceContainer name="content">
<!-- customer.form.login.extra -->
<container name="customer.login.container" label="Customer Login Container" htmlTag="div" htmlClass="login-container">
<block class="Magento\Customer\Block\Form\Login" name="customer_form_login" template="form/login.phtml">
<container name="" as="form_additional_info"/>
<block class="Magento\Customer\Block\Form\Login\Info" name="" template="newcustomer.phtml"/>
<block class="Magento\Cookie\Block\RequireCookie" name="require-cookie" template="Magento_Cookie::require_cookie.phtml">
<argument name="triggers" xsi:type="array">
<item name="loginButton" xsi:type="string">.action.login</item>
<referenceContainer name="">
<block class="Magento\Framework\View\Element\Template" name="form_additional_info_customer" template="Magento_Customer::additionalinfocustomer.phtml"/>