Hi guys I have a small code snippet and am trying to add a product to basket in Magento via PHP.
Whatever I try (I've searched for a lot of snippets) I just get "The product could not be found." error. I have dialled my code back to a very short and simple snippet to try and get this working.
Can anyone spot what might be causing this?
require_once 'app/Mage.php';
Mage::getSingleton('core/session', array('name' => 'frontend'));
$cart = Mage::getSingleton('checkout/cart');
$product = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->loadByAttribute('sku',$sku);
$cart->addProduct($product, $qty);
I am using a var_dump on the product to make sure it is finding it and if I remove the line:
$cart->addProduct($product, $qty);
It then dumps the product information and it all looks fine.
SOLVED: This single product was not physically ADDED to the website under Product > Websites, I also have to change to load by ID rather than SKU as it was throwing up stock errors.