When thinking about optimizing the speed of Magento, there are several possibilities like caching (PHP, Database, even Full Page Caches) to speed up your site.
Another possibility is to reduce the amount of processing which is done, i.e. reduce the number of modules running in your shop.
Recently, I have wondered whether it is possible / safe to deactivate the Mage_Reports module.
This is in the file app/etc/modules/Mage_All.xml
So it comes bundled with the core and depends on several other modules.
However,I do not see other modules having Mage_Reports as a dependency.
I deactivated it in a test store and everything seems to run fine.
Question => Is it true, that besides losing the reports data, of course, the store can run well without this module?
Or are there any points at which my store will break when this module is not activated?