I'm creating an order via code, more or less along the lines of How to create order programmatically in Magento 2?.

But I don't find a way to set a customizable option, that already exists on the product, by code. How to do it?

  • You want to set the custom options for order? Commented Feb 10, 2017 at 0:39

1 Answer 1


To answer my on question, you can set the option on the \Magento\Quote\Model\Quote\Item item:

private function setOptionValue($product, $item, $optionTitle, $valueTitle)
    $option = $this->getOption($product, $optionTitle);
    $value = $this->getValue($option, $valueTitle);

    if (!$value) {
        throw new \Exception("Value \"$valueTitle\" could not be set for option \"{$option->getTitle()}\" for product {$product->getId()}");



private function getOption($product, $title)
    foreach ($product->getOptions() as $option) {
        if ($option->getTitle() == $title) {
            return $option;

private function getValue($option, $title)
    foreach ($option->getValues() as $value) {;
        if ($value->getTitle() == $title) {
            return $value;

The second add option block somehow does the trick. It add an entry to the quote_item_option table containing the code "option_ids" and the option IDs as value.

Can be done with arrays only also:

           ['product_id'=>299, 'code'=>'option_4', 'value'=>'10'],
          ['product_id'=>299, 'code'=>'option_ids', 'value'=>4]

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