I wanted to create WYSIWYG editor in custom form frontend.

What I tried doing is :

  1. Created WysiwygConfig.php file inside Vendor/Extension/Plugin directory with code :

    class WysiwygConfig {
        public function afterGetConfig($subject, \Magento\Framework\DataObject $config)
            $styleArray = [
                'Hero - Image' => 'hero__image',
                'Hero - Heading' => 'hero__heading',
                'Hero - Action Button' => 'hero__primary-action'
            $styles = array_map(function($title, $class) {
                return "{$title}={$class}; ";
            }, array_keys($styleArray), array_values($styleArray));
            $config->addData(["settings" => ["theme_advanced_styles" => implode("; ", $styles)]]);
            return $config;
  2. Created di.xml file inside Vendor/Extension/etc/ folder and provided plugin name with type.

  3. I have frontend template where I want to implement WYSIWYG editor.

I had followed one tutorial but that one is incomplete for me. Please help me to do it.

  • Can you share what issue facing while you followed that link? Commented Feb 9, 2017 at 13:39
  • @Sagar: Please share the tutorial URL which you follow to add WYSIWYG editor in frontend form field. I also want to add WYSIWYG editor. Commented Sep 1, 2017 at 8:37


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