I'd like to know if its possible to manually disable a module by changing some code like in Magento 1. I know the SSH way.
2 Answers
You can always use CLI command for managing modules.
Disable module:
$ bin/magento module:disable Vendor_ModuleName
Enable module:
$ bin/magento module:enable Vendor_ModuleName
And you can check status of all modules:
$ bin/magento module:status
It is useful to build a habit of controlling your installation via bin/magento. Also it will help to avoid any new features introduced for module commands.
In order disable a module manually, you need to do some changes at app/etc/config.php
In this file, magento save value flag value 0 or 1 of each module.
- 1 means Modules is enabled
- 0 Means Modules is disabled
As , you want to disable the module then you need change it value to 0.
Then go to var folder and clear cache,page_cache
Suppose.your config.php look like
return array (
'modules' =>
'Magento_CheckoutAgreements' => 1,
'Magento_Payment' => 1,
'Magento_SampleData' => 1,
'Magento_CmsUrlRewrite' => 1,
'Magento_Config' => 1,
'Magento_ConfigurableImportExport' => 1,
'Magento_Downloadable' => 1,
'Magento_Wishlist' => 1,
Then you want to disable then you need make 'Magento_CheckoutAgreements' => 1,
to 'Magento_CheckoutAgreements' => 0
and disable a module by changing it's value from 1 to 0.