I have no solutions found since last one week. In My magento all product images and browse file button and upload files button are missing on product edit in admin show in screen-sort. kindly help me to revert back.
2 Answers
These buttons are coming from flash.So check your media folder on following location
if there is no media folder then copy from fresh magento
This will solve your problem :) if not Try solution from below links https://stackoverflow.com/questions/15022532/image-upload-buttons-are-missing-in-magento-in-back-end
I solved in this way:
- Use the Firefox browser
- Update Adobe Flash Player version
- Restart Firefox browser
- Go to product images in admin
- Allow the flash player on browser (alert on the top left)
For use in Google Chrome enable website in setting - https://helpx.adobe.com/flash-player/kb/enabling-flash-player-chrome.html
For Safari - https://helpx.adobe.com/flash-player/kb/enabling-flash-player-safari.html
site & in backend