I want to add category tree structure in my custom module like Product Edit/Add.

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2 Answers 2


You can add Category tree if you use UI form.

<field name="parent">
            <argument name="data" xsi:type="array">
                <item name="options" xsi:type="object">Magento\Catalog\Ui\Component\Product\Form\Categories\Options</item>
                <item name="config" xsi:type="array">
                    <item name="label" xsi:type="string" translate="true">Parent Category</item>
                    <item name="componentType" xsi:type="string">field</item>
                    <item name="formElement" xsi:type="string">select</item>
                    <item name="component" xsi:type="string">Magento_Catalog/js/components/new-category</item>
                    <item name="elementTmpl" xsi:type="string">ui/grid/filters/elements/ui-select</item>
                    <item name="dataScope" xsi:type="string">data.parent</item>
                    <item name="filterOptions" xsi:type="boolean">true</item>
                    <item name="showCheckbox" xsi:type="boolean">false</item>
                    <item name="disableLabel" xsi:type="boolean">true</item>
                    <item name="multiple" xsi:type="boolean">false</item>
                    <item name="levelsVisibility" xsi:type="number">1</item>
                    <item name="sortOrder" xsi:type="number">20</item>
                    <item name="required" xsi:type="boolean">true</item>
                    <item name="validation" xsi:type="array">
                        <item name="required-entry" xsi:type="boolean">true</item>
                    <item name="listens" xsi:type="array">
                        <item name="${ $.namespace }.${ $.namespace }:responseData" xsi:type="string">setParsed</item>
  • Hello @SaurabhJain, I have also added category tree , but how to save and get in edit form of category values? Commented Jul 13, 2017 at 6:34
  • you can save category in save controller like implode(',', $data['categoryfieldname']); and in edit mode you can explode in DataProvider file like $page->setCategoryfieldname(explode(',', $page->getCategoryfieldname())); Commented Jul 14, 2017 at 6:30
  • can we select multiple category at a one time in this category tree
    – Ashna
    Commented Aug 7, 2018 at 10:42
  • Yes you can select multiple category just pass “multiple “ is true. Ex. <item name=“multiple” >true<item> Commented Aug 8, 2018 at 16:36
  • Hello @SaurabhTaletiya, Is there anyway, we can use this in system configuration. Commented Aug 21, 2018 at 13:50

Firstly add a field in your ui-form:

<field name="custom" component="Namespce_Modulename/js/select-category" sortOrder="20" formElement="select">
<argument name="data" xsi:type="array">
    <item name="config" xsi:type="array">
        <item name="filterOptions" xsi:type="boolean">true</item>//to add filter in select-ui
        <item name="multiple" xsi:type="boolean">false</item>//select multiple or not
        <item name="showCheckbox" xsi:type="boolean">true</item>//to show checkboxes
        <item name="disableLabel" xsi:type="boolean">true</item>
        <rule name="required-entry" xsi:type="boolean">true</rule>
    <label translate="true">Select Category</label>//label to Field
    <dataScope>data.custom</dataScope>//To map
        <link name="${ $.namespace }.${ $.namespace }:responseData">setParsed</link>
            <options class="Namespace\ModuleName\Ui\Component\Form\Category\Options"/>

Now create Js file to map the field's value:


], function (Select) {
'use strict';
return Select.extend({
     * Parse data and set it to options.
     * @param {Object} data - Response data object.
     * @returns {Object}
    setParsed: function (data) {
        var option = this.parseData(data);
        if (data.error) {
            return this;
        this.set('newOption', option);
     * Normalize option object.
     * @param {Object} data - Option object.
     * @returns {Object}
    parseData: function (data) {
        return {
            value: data.category.entity_id,
            label: data.category.name

Create a file to get options to display:


namespace Namespace\ModuleName\Ui\Component\Form\Category;

use Magento\Framework\Data\OptionSourceInterface;
use Magento\Category\Model\ResourceModel\Category\CollectionFactory as      CategoryCollectionFactory;
use Magento\Framework\App\RequestInterface;

* Options tree for "Categories" field
class Options implements OptionSourceInterface

protected $categoryCollectionFactory;

 * @var RequestInterface
protected $request;

 * @var array
protected $categoryTree;

 * @param CategoryCollectionFactory $categoryCollectionFactory
 * @param RequestInterface $request
public function __construct(
    CategoryCollectionFactory $categoryCollectionFactory,
    RequestInterface $request
) {
    $this->categoryCollectionFactory = $categoryCollectionFactory;
    $this->request = $request;

 * {@inheritdoc}
public function toOptionArray()
    return $this->getCategoryTree();

 * Retrieve categories tree
 * @return array
protected function getCategoryTree()
    if ($this->categoryTree === null) {
        $collection = $this->categoryCollectionFactory->create();


        foreach ($collection as $category) {
            $categoryId = $category->getEntityId();
            if (!isset($categoryById[$categoryId])) {
                $categoryById[$categoryId] = [
                    'value' => $categoryId
            $categoryById[$categoryId]['label'] = $category->getName();
        $this->categoryTree = $categoryById;
    return $this->categoryTree;


Hope it helps!

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