How can I override Magento 2 core js based on system configuration (Yes/No)? For example Currently I am overriding checkout default js into my module. And it works fine for me. Now I want to override this based on my system configuration setting. Is there any way to achieve this ?

var config = {
    "map": {
        "*": {
            "Magento_Checkout/js/model/shipping-save-processor/default" : "VENDOR_MODULENAME/js/shipping-save-processor-default-override"

1 Answer 1


just put all overriding code into if condition.

if(your condition)
    var config = {
    "map": {
        "*": {
            "Magento_Checkout/js/model/shipping-save-processor/default" : "VENDOR_MODULENAME/js/shipping-save-processor-default-override"

Overriding will work if your condition will true.


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