I have been trying for days to install Magento 2 on a Vagrant box running Ubuntu, Nginx & PHP 7.0.13
When I try to load the setup/installtion wizard I get a blank screen with no errors in the console or Nginx log
Does anyone know what the correct steps are or what is causing this to happen?
If I try to install via php bin/magento setup:install
php bin/magento setup:install --base-url=http://magento.dev/ \
--backend-frontname=admin \
--db-host=localhost --db-name=magento2 --db-user=root --db-password=root \
--admin-firstname=Test --admin-lastname=Test—[email protected] \
--admin-user=admin --admin-password=password --language=en_GB \
--currency=GBP --timezone=Europe/London --use-rewrites=1
I get the following error
Parameter validation failed
If I try with the command on one line I get the same error:
php bin/magento setup:install --base-url=http://mage.dev --backend-frontname=admin --db-name=magento2 --db-user=root --db-password=magento2 --admin-firstname=Magento --admin-lastname=User [email protected] --admin-user=admin --admin-password=admin123 --language=en_US --currency=USD --timezone=America/Chicago --use-rewrites=1
Parameter validation failed
What is this error and do I fix it? Why is it so difficult install Magento 2?
** UPDATE ** I've reinstalled from Magento 2 Repo Instead of using the .zip archive but now I get the following screen
When I try to debug the request flow it looks to me like the classMap isn't getting the correct path when trying to autoload:
[InvalidArgumentException] Parameter validation failed
I always get this error