I am building a product collection, which will find results from a multiselect attribute.
(relevant code that adds finset to collection - adjusted to display real id values)
$attribute = Mage::getModel('eav/config')->getAttribute('catalog_product', 'measurement');
$value = array('finset' => array('237',
$collection->addAttributeToFilter($attribute, $value);
The resulting sql (with visiblity filter added) is as such:
e . *,
at_measurement.value AS measurement,
at_visibility.value AS visibility
catalog_product_entity AS e
catalog_product_entity_varchar AS at_measurement ON (at_measurement.entity_id = e.entity_id) AND (at_measurement.attribute_id = '983') AND (at_measurement.store_id = 0)
catalog_product_entity_int AS at_visibility ON (at_visibility.entity_id = e.entity_id) AND (at_visibility.attribute_id = '526') AND (at_visibility.store_id = 0)
(e.attribute_set_id IN ('74')) AND (FIND_IN_SET('237',
at_measurement.value)) AND (at_visibility.value IN ('2' , '4'))
GROUP BY e.entity_id
The issue is that I get a sql error:
"SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1582 Incorrect parameter count in the call to native function 'FIND_IN_SET'"
and I (think) I can see why: Some of the multiselect values have only one option, thus there is no comma separated values to qualify for FINSET
Am I correct in why this error is produced? How can I write this collection object to account for this?
If not the above, what am I missing?
The results from running the sql in mysql workbench, minus the find_in_set clause: