When I try to run "which php" from my magento root folder , this say: /usr/bin/php
But, I need that this point php to: /Applications/AMPPS/php/bin/php
How can I do it?
you can use complete path to run php. In my case file located in /opt/lampp/bin/php
/opt/lampp/bin/php bin/magento deploy:mode:show
for you start from root folder
/Applications/AMPPS/php/bin/php bin/magento deploy:mode:show
This is the solution I found for mac and it worked for me. Open Terminal and run following command.
$ export AMPPS_PHP=/Applications/AMPPS/php/bin
$ export PATH="$AMPPS_PHP:$PATH"
Source: http://www.ampps.com/wiki/Installing_Laravel_Framework