I have the same placeholder image uploaded for all four options: base, small, swatch, and thumbnail. The placeholder is showing fine for the thumbnail on the category page, but when I click on one to go to the product details page it shows default magento placeholder instead of the custom one I have uploaded.

Any clue as to what could have caused this? I have already tried both clearing the cache and running setup:static-content:deploy.

  • In the system > cache management in the bottom you should be able to clear cache of product images. Have you tried this?
    – camdixon
    Commented Nov 1, 2016 at 21:27

2 Answers 2


One simple solution is overwrite the base placeholder images themselves in our theme. So create this folder path:


Then in the placeholder folder you need to upload:


It is a core issue. You can read about it, and also fix it from the official Magento2 GitHub:

MAGETWO-53036: [GITHUB] Base image placeholder issue #4549


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