This gave a bit of a headache but I have found the solution for this.
The solution does not cover how to attach or disable warning messages to input fields but answers the question.
Every time you change the postal code an ajax call is made and the shipping rates are recalculated.
The execution will eventually enable the script located at:
which in turn will call
Now depending on the result that the latter returns the shipping-rates-validator will display or not display the warning message.
as seen here:
postcodeValidation: function () {
var countryId = $('select[name="country_id"]').val(),
if (postcodeElement == null || postcodeElement.value() == null) {
return true;
validationResult = postcodeValidator.validate(postcodeElement.value(), countryId);
if (!validationResult) {
warnMessage = $t('Provided Zip/Postal Code seems to be invalid.');
if (postcodeValidator.validatedPostCodeExample.length) {
warnMessage += $t(' Example: ') + postcodeValidator.validatedPostCodeExample.join('; ') + '. ';
warnMessage += $t('If you believe it is the right one you can ignore this notice.');
return validationResult;
It is only logical that if the postcodeValidator(postcode-validator.js) will always return true the warn message will never be displayed.
Therefor we override the postcode-validator.js
Step 1:
Create file at [Namespace]/[Module]/view/frontend/web/js/model/postcode-validator.js with he following content:
define(['mageUtils'], function (utils) {
'use strict';
return {
validatedPostCodeExample: [],
validate: function(postCode, countryId) {
return true;
Step 2:
Map any request made to the postcode-validator to our script.
Create file at [Namespace]/[Module]/view/frontend/web/requirejs-config.js with the following content:
var config = {
map: {
'*': {
Step 3:
php bin/magento cache:clean
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
I don't know if this is the cleanest solution ever but does the trick. Hope this helps.