I want get category ID of products on wishlist and compare page (on wishlist and compare pages I add products of different categories).

On the helper of my module I write:


(and then ->getId())but I get NULL (on other pages - GOOD!)

When on the helper of my module I write:


I get category Id of last category. It's wrong for me, becouse in wishlist or compare there are product of different categories.

2 Answers 2


You can add add new Row in catalog/product/compare/list.phtml

header <th> field as category id and in detail <td> field get the category of product.

You will get array of category ids.

foreach($categories as $category)
   echo Mage::getModel("catalog/category")->load($category)->getName();

In same way you can try for wishlist.


I write function to my block

    public function getCategory()
    $_product = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->load($_item->getId());
    $ids = $_product->getCategoryIds();
    $category = (isset($ids[0]) ? $ids[0] : null);
    return $category;

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