I'm trying to create a module which i'm hoping will extend the Catalog Price Rules feature to allow me to create pricing groups based on Cost plus a percentage (e.g. All products in a category are cost + 30% for specific customer group).
Firstly, how can I ensure that Magento uses this price even if it is higher than the base price??
Secondly, Which files do i need to override? So far, i've located:
vendor/magento/module-catalog-rule/Helper/Data.php - this contains the rule logic
vendor/magento/module-catalog-rule/Model/Rule.php - this contains the validation rules
vendor/magento/module-catalog-rule/Model/Rule/Action/Product.php - i think this contains the options for the rule logic
vendor/magento/module-catalog-rule/Model/Rule/Action/SimpleActionOptionsProvider.php - this also contains the options for the rule logic
vendor/magento/module-catalog-rule/Observer/ProcessAdminFinalPriceObserver.php & ProcessFrontFinalPriceObserver.php
Are there any others?
The last thing is that i will obviously need to parse the product cost into these functions, what would be the best way to do that?
Any and all help is greatly appreciated! :-)