I would like to generate url keys with '/' of products. I have override the \Enterprise_Catalog_Model_Product_Attribute_Backend_Urlkey::beforeSave method and generated url key as per requirement.

My before save method is :

public function beforeSave($object)
        $attributeName = $this->getAttribute()->getName();

        if ($object->getIsDuplicate()) {
            $object = $this->_generateNextUrlKeySuffix($object);
        $brandLong = $object->getData('brand_long');
        $collection = $object->getData('collection');
        $urlKey = $object->formatUrlKey($brandLong).'/'.$object->formatUrlKey($collection).'/'.$object->formatUrlKey($object->getData('sku'));
        if (empty($urlKey)) {
            $object->setData($attributeName, $object->formatUrlKey($object->getName()));
            $object = $this->_generateNextUrlKeySuffix($object);
        } elseif (!empty($urlKey) && !$object->getIsDuplicate()) {
            $object->setData($attributeName, $urlKey);

        return $this;

But generated url keys redirecting to 404.Url key is as below


It redirecting to 404


1 Answer 1


Perhaps you can reference something such as this: https://github.com/Flagbit/Magento-FilterUrls

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