i want to display a attribute just below to the price in product view page and should be dependable with price. that is I select one from attribute price should change.
2 Answers
This sounds like a case for configurable products.
For example, you create three simple products "T-Shirt M", "T-Shirt L" and "T-Shirt S" with the respective "size" attribute.
Then you create a configurable product, select "size" as configurable attribute and choose the three simple products from above as associated products. For each simple product you can choose a price difference at this step.
step by step: docs.magento.com/m1/ce/user_guide/catalog/… Commented Sep 21, 2016 at 9:54
You can do this from custom option also.
Ex. You can add multiple option in product custom option and set price for that. You can set it required / Non Required according to your need.