Magento 2 cleans up the guest cart data under 24 mins if left idle, is there any setting which can help to persist cart data for a guest user for around 90 days?

  • Did you already find a solution for this?
    – Silvan
    Commented Oct 13, 2017 at 6:56

2 Answers 2


To configure it, check the admin cookie lifetime (make sure to configure the cookie domain) and the session.gc_maxlifetime.

Admin > Stores > General > Web > Default Cookie Settings

Magento 2 Cookie lifetime

Magento 2 session maxlifetime


There is only setting to left cart for guest users with cookies Life time. If you want to persist cart data for a guest user for around 90 days you will have to set cookies 90 days. But more time for cookies are not recommended for better performance of website.

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