I am using the following headers, which I believe are fine:




The issue, I believe, relies on the fact that Magento tries to add already linked products, so when I manually go into the configurable product menu, within the associated products tab, and hit the reset button they appear to work just fine.

However, when I try to associate them directly from the Magmi file, they dont work. The products are all created (both the simple and the configurable).

3 Answers 3


you have to enable this setting at magmi when you upload configurable product please check below setting and let me know.

enter image description here


Hello I think some missing from header so product is not visible after reset filter display, Magmi version 0.7 aur Magento 1.9.x. Including visibility in the header which are working fine.


simple product visibility is 1 and configurable product visibility is 4.


try to reindex, even if it is not required after import with magmi.

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