I'm using Magento CE 2.1
There's a fix in the 2.2.x develop branch that looks likely not to be released until 2.2, so how do I pull it into my 2.1 installation?
What I have tried
As Magento 2 is split into modules pulled in by composer I would hope that I could just pull in an updated version of a module like module-deploy by using a version like 100.2.0-dev. I replaced using the monolithic magento/product-community-edition with the individual module requirements and changed the requested version of module-deploy. Sadly, the magento composer repo only has formal releases.
So the next thing would be to fork the module and pull in my own version for that module. However, Magento 2 seems to be a single repo, so what should I fork to just adjust a single module? Does this approach even make sense?