How can I get the list of payment methods that can use in the following?
I copied it from a sample online and I guess it is Check / Money Order.
How can I get the list of payment methods that can use in the following?
I copied it from a sample online and I guess it is Check / Money Order.
Or you can just..
Inject dependency.
\Magento\Framework\App\Config\ScopeConfigInterface $scope
Get value
$methodList = $this->scope->getValue('payment');
Iterate over.
foreach( $methodList as $code => $_method )
Try to use payment helper:
Add Magento\Payment\Helper\Data
to the __construct
* @var \Magento\Payment\Helper\Data
protected $paymentHelper;
* @param \Magento\Payment\Helper\Data $paymentHelper
public function __construct(
\Magento\Payment\Helper\Data $paymentHelper
) {
$this->paymentHelper = $paymentHelper;
Then use it to get all payment methods like this:
Here is this methods:
* Retrieve all payment methods
* @return array
public function getPaymentMethods()
return $this->_initialConfig->getData('default')[self::XML_PATH_PAYMENT_METHODS];
* Retrieve all payment methods list as an array
* Possible output:
* 1) assoc array as <code> => <title>
* 2) array of array('label' => <title>, 'value' => <code>)
* 3) array of array(
* array('value' => <code>, 'label' => <title>),
* array('value' => array(
* 'value' => array(array(<code1> => <title1>, <code2> =>...),
* 'label' => <group name>
* )),
* array('value' => <code>, 'label' => <title>),
* ...
* )
* @param bool $sorted
* @param bool $asLabelValue
* @param bool $withGroups
* @param Store|null $store
* @return array
* @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.CyclomaticComplexity)
* @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.NPathComplexity)
public function getPaymentMethodList($sorted = true, $asLabelValue = false, $withGroups = false, $store = null)
$methods = [];
$groups = [];
$groupRelations = [];
foreach ($this->getPaymentMethods() as $code => $data) {
if (isset($data['title'])) {
$methods[$code] = $data['title'];
} else {
$methods[$code] = $this->getMethodInstance($code)->getConfigData('title', $store);
if ($asLabelValue && $withGroups && isset($data['group'])) {
$groupRelations[$code] = $data['group'];
if ($asLabelValue && $withGroups) {
$groups = $this->_paymentConfig->getGroups();
foreach ($groups as $code => $title) {
$methods[$code] = $title;
if ($sorted) {
if ($asLabelValue) {
$labelValues = [];
foreach ($methods as $code => $title) {
$labelValues[$code] = [];
foreach ($methods as $code => $title) {
if (isset($groups[$code])) {
$labelValues[$code]['label'] = $title;
} elseif (isset($groupRelations[$code])) {
$labelValues[$groupRelations[$code]]['value'][$code] = ['value' => $code, 'label' => $title];
} else {
$labelValues[$code] = ['value' => $code, 'label' => $title];
return $labelValues;
return $methods;