I am having the exact same problem as stated here:
"products image upload error after upload 100%"

I am trying to upload images to an already existing Magento website, my images go 100% and then I get an error in red asking to remove the images. I have followed most of the tutorial I could find online, all my media/ and var/ folder have 777 permission, I have php5-gd installed on my server, the baseurl and secureurl is set properly.

Last time I have had this problem I had a hired a freelancer to resolve it, he told me, varnish setting had issues but didn't give me details.

Any help appreciated.

enter image description here

2 Answers 2


In your project open the file lib/Varien/File/Uploader.php and put a Mage::log() inside the save() function.

public function save($destinationFolder, $newFileName = null) { $this->_validateFile();

    if ($this->_allowCreateFolders) {

    if (!is_writable($destinationFolder)) {
        // Put a mage::log() and check what is the folder magento is looking for.
        throw new Exception('Destination folder is not writable or does not exists.');

. . . . .


From the log you can find out the folder which Magento is looking for. And then check permissions for that folder.


Since I couldn't solve it I ended posting this error on Upwork website. The issue was in lib/Varien/Image/Adapter/Gd2.php someone/ perhaps me or the earlier programmer had by mistakenly put the content before opening

Anyways learnt the lesson the hard way. I don't know if this qualify's as an answer. Plus it wasn't solving the problem till the time this freelancer cleared the /opcache sitting in the root folder of my Magento installation.

  • any update on your situation? how you resolved?
    – abr
    Commented Mar 14, 2018 at 16:35

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