I am working on import price of products using xls, xlsx, ods and csv files.
For that i need to read these file, i had use seperate external library files to read those files.
It works well in my local machine, when i move it to server my admin controller doesn't work, it displays blank page.
I found that is because i have included external library files in my admin controller.(when i command those lines controller works fine in server)
so then i have used below format to include lib files :
require_once(Mage::getBaseDir('lib'). DS . '[folder_name]/easyODS.php');
require_once(Mage::getBaseDir('lib'). DS . '[folder_name]/simplexlsx.class.php');
require_once(Mage::getBaseDir('lib'). DS . '[folder_name]/reader.php');
after this change xlsx, ods and csv(i didn't use lib file for csv) working fine but xls doesn't.
kindly give me suggestion to do this stuff.