Fresh install of M2.1 on a Turnkey LAMP (with updated php 5.6 and mysql).
I'm trying to test install a 3rd party module, and one of the commands is:
<code>php bin/magento module:enable module1a module1b</code>
As soon as I run this command, the website (both front end and admin pages) stop loading.
I then try "php bin/magento setup:upgrade"
which completes with no errors, I then run "setup:di:compile"
, and then "setup:static-content:deploy"
again with no errors.
However, I cannot seem to get the website to load ever again after this.
What am I doing wrong/missing ?
(I'm very new to M2's compile process and correct order of commands).
Thanks in advance!
.php bin/magento cache:flush