Anyone know how I can keep a user session within Magento , I wish that even if the user closes the browser or turn off the computer to access my website your account or session is still open , as I can do it active ? so far I have only lengthened the time Cookie, someone will know a method that can be applied or how this is done ?

  • you can edit your old question instead of asking another one
    – MaYaNk
    Commented Jul 19, 2016 at 18:30

1 Answer 1


that's the right way to go: Setting the Cookie Lifetime to a higher value will keep your customers logged in for this amount of time, as long as the cookie exists in the browser and the lifetime has not expired.

  • Thanks but, i wish that even if the user closes the browser or turn off the computer to access my website your account or session is stilled open, i have configured the Cookie Lifetime in 86,400. Commented Jul 20, 2016 at 14:58

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